By good example of Yoeran and following this initiative, this is my Now page!
Last update: 1 July 2018
Things I am busy with now:
- Making Digital Social Innovation (more) successful for Dance4Life, Light for the World, Health[e]Foundation and Enablement (/Liliane Foundation).
- Expert member of the German DIN SPEC Open Source Hardware working group.
- Expert member of the Open Know-How working group.
Things I recently did:
- Finished up my long-term project as Scrum Master and Information Analyst for the Dutch Ministry of Justice & Security.
- Technical Consultant for Peeq My Farm, a notification app for farmers to support their daily work.
- Co-created the REMODEL toolkit for Open Source-based Business and mentored 3 Danish companies.
- Started Re:INVENT Institute, as an exploration into connecting Open Design with Humanitarian and Development Aid.